Lying and lazing in the sand on a hot summer day is probably one of the most typical things about a summer holiday by the North Sea and many thousands of guests visit Søndervig Strand every year all year round. In 2014, the beach received the honor of being named Denmark's best beach and a beach trip in Søndervig certainly also means many opportunities, which can be read below.



It is important that everyone can have a good experience when they visit the beach. This means that everyone lends a hand to keep the beach nice and delicious.

  • Take your trash with you when you go. Waste bins have been set up for the purpose.
  • Grilling on the beach is nice. Turn it off after you and pour water on and around it so no one gets burned
  • Use the toilets
  • Pick up after yourself and your dog.
  • Show consideration for others around you

Søndervig beach named Denmark's Best 2014 read here

Badevej has for decades been the holidaymakers' main thoroughfare towards the North Sea and the beach.

Today, the ramp at the end of Badevej forms the base for many services and activities:

  • Lifeguard service
  • Free access to cold water showers, dog water and toilets at Toppen
  • Free WIFI on the beach
  • Handicapped access via terrain carpet Read more
  • Rent a beach chair at the ice kiosk at Toppen
  • Beach basket Take Away from Beach Bowl - order from the menu: beach bowl/restaurant  tel. +45 97 33 89 00
  • Ocean Rescue Camp (ORC) mini lifeguard school for children 8-16 years in week 30 and 31 Read more
  • Sunset services every Wednesday in July at 21.00 see below news or
    see activity calendar  
  • Wellness on the beach, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga,
    visit BUTIKHEIDI.DK for info
  • Overview map on the number stands at the descent to the beach, so you can orientate yourself on your walk on the beach
  • You can find the Coast Guard for your area here

Part of the activities are initiatives initiated under the project Fremtidens Superstrand, project manager Suzi Elena Apelgren talks about the project Future Superstrand on TV MidtVest .

Read more about the project in the folder Superstranden

The beach